Coronavirus is now the name of a panic. Every country’s people are now scared about this virus. Almost every country issued a lockdown in their county to prevent the spread of this virus. Its infection is contagious. But if you do not come in close contact with the infected person, there is no risk of getting infected.
There is nothing to panic about if you have a corona-infected patient in the house or flat next to you. Rather without anxiety, five things must be confirmed if someone at home is diagnosed with corona infection or is suspected of being infected with corona. These include isolation, safety, hygiene, medical care, connection to nature, and protection of family members.
Symptom of Coronavirus:
Different county’s people affects in different ways. And different people have different symptoms.
The common symptom of Coronaviru are –
1. Fever.
2. Cough.
3. Sore throat.
4. Feel Tired.
5. And, loss of taste or smell.
Serious Covid Symptom-
1. Shortness of breath/Dyspnoea.
2. Chest pain.
Besides these symptoms, there is some other symptom like – headache, body pain, diarrhea, red eyes, and a rash on the skin.
The following steps need to be taken to If anyone is affected :
1. If anyone affects at home, then a room should be set aside for the patient. Also, other family members need to be warned about the coronavirus. So that, other family members are not affected by the Coronavirus. It is better to have an attached toilet in the patient room.
2. For Covid patients choose the room that has the most windows, and ventilation. So that, patients get more fresh air and oxygen. This will helps the patient to get well soon.
3. Keep clean the patient’s room. Remove excess furniture, carpets, etc. So that patients feel open. Keep the door closed unless absolutely necessary. It is better to create a ‘negative airflow’. In this case, the exhaust fan, and stand fan work well.
4. If you can’t arrange a separate room, make a separate temporary room for the patient with a curtain near the window in your own room.
Clean corona patient room properly
5. There should be enough space around the patient’s bed. A minimum of 3 feet is good.
6. Place a small table next to the bed to keep things, glasses, and medicines. The patient will clean them himself with disinfectant liquid several times a day.
7. Remove unnecessary items from the patient’s bathroom. This bathroom should not be used by anyone else in the house. It is best if the patient washes his clothes and toilet. So that, other family members will not affect by the coronavirus.
8. Keep the waste container near the bed to remove the patient’s dirt, and used garbage. The patient himself will throw his used garbage in a polythene bag. Every day someone else will take the dustbin out after wearing gloves. It is best to burn this dirt somewhere outside the house.
9. It is more better for both patient and family members to wear a face mask in the room. It will help to stop the spread of the virus. So, both the sick person & the caretaker will wear masks.
10. Keep the whole house garbage-free and clean.
11. Make sure no other family member does not touch anything of the patient.
12. Indicate the patient’s place of residence inside the house and separate it. No one will go inside the marked place except the caretaker.
13. Clean the patient’s room, use things and walkway twice a day with water mixed with bleaching powder or antiseptic.
14. Set aside space for children in the home. Arrange for their play and creative work. Keep older and pregnant women away.
15. Keep the patient away from pets.
16. Think about the mental well-being of family members. Keep in touch with the patient through family or digital, try to keep him mentally strong, and provide courage.
Corona patient food:
During Covid, It is necessary to pay attention to the diet of the patient suffering from Coronavirus. Because good and nutritious food increase the immunity of the patient. Which helps the patient to recover faster. Eat protein-rich foods like- fish, meat, milk, lentils, etc every day. A corona-affected person feels weak, But protein-rich foods provide energy to the patient.
Corona patients need a good amount of vitamins. So corona patients can eat fresh fruits & vegetables. The doctor suggests eating vitamin C at this time. And fruits like- Oranges, Guavas, Lemon, etc contain a huge amount of vitamin C. So patients can eat these types of fruits. Besides this, the patient needs to drink more water, because it will keep the patient hydrated and remove body toxins.
So, if any one of your family members affects by coronavirus then you need to follow the above steps and eat the patient healthy and nutritious foods. Then the patient will get well soon. Remember, don’t panic at corona. Awareness is only the way to prevent this virus.
I am Md. Shahriar Pervez. I am a professional blogger and Youtuber. I complete my graduate from AIUB. Please visit this blog to get more information. SUBSCRIBE to this website and stay with us.